There are many graces given to parishes that have Eucharistic Adoration, including increased attendance at Mass and confession, an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, the return of fallen-away Catholics, and greater unity. Parishioners who avail themselves of this wonderful practice grow in their love of the Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has written: “Adoration outside holy Mass prolongs and intensifies what happened in the liturgical celebration and renders a true and profound reception of Christ possible.” Please help us bring these graces to our parish by volunteering to pray during one of the hours that we will have Eucharistic Adoration.



Volunteers serve on a rotating schedule during weekend Masses and Holy Days.
Please contact the sacristan if you are interested in volunteering as an Altar Boy, Lector or Usher:
[email protected]
Please contact the sacristan if you are interested in volunteering as an Altar Boy, Lector or Usher:
[email protected]
The St. Maria Goretti Society/Junior Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the vessels to be used at weekend Masses. They are also responsible for ensuring that all of the vessels (chalices and ciboria) and patens used in the Mass are properly cleaned and returned to their proper storage places after Mass. Additionally, the Junior Altar Guild will also take care to make sure other items such as monstrances, thuribles, candle sticks, etc. are well maintained and polished as necessary.
Meets Friday mornings on a rotating schedule to clean the church. Open to all members of the parish. Special cleaning is done for the holidays.
Volunteers serve on a rotating schedule during weekend Masses and Holy Days.
Please contact the sacristan if you are interested in volunteering:
[email protected]
Please contact the sacristan if you are interested in volunteering:
[email protected]
Our sacred music program incorporates traditional hymns, motets, polyphony and Gregorian chant. Music is regularly provided for both the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms of the Mass.
Please contact Terese Rowe if you are interested in volunteering
or would like more information:
(704) 599 - 5725
[email protected]
or would like more information:
(704) 599 - 5725
[email protected]